The Different Types Of Early Adopters
Like I mentioned earlier, some people are have more of an early adopter in them than others. Now, we are going to discover what types of early adopters there are and the industries they're attracted to.
Then, I want you to think about which types you should be paying the most attention to and how you can start to attract the types of early adopters who will most likely be interested in what you're offering.
These are the different types of Early Adopters:
1. The Curious
These early adopters want you to cure their boredom. They often roam about trying to find something new to fascinate them. They like to be visually stimulated and they like to understand how things work.
They tend to be anxious and restless so they want to try new things. Curious early adopters are willing to do daring things to try to add more excitement to their lives.
They want you to take them on a journey that's worth sharing. They like stories and adventures. They like to use their brain a lot. They like solving mysteries, indulging in gossip, creating things. They're also not afraid of a little drama.
These types will scroll around on the internet or on the TV for hours hoping to finding something new, fresh and worth their time. How can you prove to them that your product is worth spending some of their attention on?
Common industries that attract this:
Question For You: How can you get people to get curious to try your product?
2. The Cool Kids
These early adopters are addicted to trends. They like setting trends, watching trends and being the ones to determine when a trend is over. They are the ones who like saying things like "Oh, that is so last year!".
They are not afraid to try things first. They are willing to get made fun of for trying something new because they see novelty in the bravery about doing something different. Ruffling feathers is one of their addictions.
The confidence they have keeps everyone else dancing around them, trying to be as cool as them. Once something becomes too mainstream, they make sure to claim the fact that they were the ones who started it and then they drop it like a hot potato and run to the next thing.
They would rather be one of the people who do something trendy first, whether it be wearing a certain sneaker, posting a certain meme or watching a certain show. They need to feel ahead of every one else to feel good about themselves.
Common industries that attract this:
Question For You: How can you get people to feel cool or ahead for trying your product?
3. The Desperate
These early adopters only show up early because they are desperate about stopping something. They have a problem and they need you to fix it now. It's usually something urgent or something they've already tried to get rid of, but they haven't figured out a way how.
If you have a product that gives people a new way to solve an old problem, you will have a line of these early adopters waiting at the door. These are people who are dealing with an urgent problem, or at least urgent to them, and they have more of an appetite for risk.
They will try the new miracle product or put weird things in their hair if it'll make it grow. They will watch an hour long tutorial on how to fix their problem. You just have to make sure it works. If it works, you'll have won their loyalty for life. They never forget the brands and services that get rid of their problems.
Common industries that attract this:
Question For You: How can you best explain to people that your product will rid their problem?